Wearing Union Badges

The West Australian Friday 19 January 1912 p. 7.

Brisbane, Jan. 18.

Trouble occurred to-day owing to the determination of the employees who are members of the Australian Tramway Employees' Federation to wear union badges. Other employees, who belong, to the Brisbane Tramway Employees' Association, are not interested in the badge question. The unionists first wore their badges at 11 o'clock this morning, despite the fact that the tramway regulations forbid such a proceeding. The company thereupon took steps to suspend those men, local men being put on in their places.

Large crowds gathered outside the General Post Office during the day and cheered or hooted the cars on which men were wearing or not wearing badges. The suspended men had an interview with Mr. Badger, the manager of the company, and they were informed that work was there for them provided that they conformed to the rules of the company. They declined to give up their badges. Mr. Badger stated that there was no reason to anticipate any considerable interference with the service.

The crowd outside the General Post Office became boisterous at times during the day, but there was practically no violence. The tram service ceased at 7 o'clock to- night, but it will be resumed at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning. No trouble was experienced at the power-house. The manager of the company stated to-night that he put the position clearly to the men, none of whom were dismissed, and that there was work for all of the men, subject to the company's regulations.

Motors, taxis, 'buses, and trains were much in demand to-night.


See the song about this struggle - The Wearin' o' the Badge

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