Great Indian Peninsular Railway at Bombay

South Australian Register Monday 18 July 1853 p.3

The Bombay Gazette of the 28th April says—" The most important item of Indian news, everything con- sidered, that goes home by this mail, is undoubtedly the opening of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway at Bombay. This was done on Saturday the 16th instant, with considerable pomp and circumstance. The trains have been running daily, since, between Bombay and Tannah, a distance of twenty-four miles, and between Bombay and Mahim (partly a branch line), a distance of ten miles. The railway officials have been taken by surprise at the numbers which daily fill their trains. They are short of carriages, and the demands made upon them are with difficulty met, though the management so far has been skilful and considerate. It is the first railway opened in all Asia, and, though a small work in itself, it is a great thing to show to the natives of India; and they are, indeed, strikingly impressed with the spectacle. With the interior of this country, opened by means of roads, there will be great results; and we are getting on, slowly to be sure, but progressively faster and faster. The interest now being taken in Indian affairs in England fills all well-wishers of this country with delight. They see a new hope for the country in it. Under the influence of enlightened English public opinion, whatever is to be done in the way of good to India must be done for the present. Hence the unadvisableness of settling what is called the Charter for twenty years to come. We want no permanent settlements of that sort. We want yearly supervision as much in India as our friends do in England."

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